Should you decorate before you put your house on the market?

Opening the doors to strangers to come and judge your property. Scrutinising every inch of the property and deciding if they like it is a nerve-racking experience. We can feel defensive if someone doesn’t like our house, and it is vulnerable to let people come and look at our property, which is usually such a private space.

When selling a property, viewers will look at everything with a very critical eye. And as a nation of house-loving homeowners, it is understandable that many of us want to get our homes ship-shaped before launching them to the market.

But how far should you go? Should you fully redecorate your house? Fit a new kitchen? Landscape the gardens? Or is the best thing to do nothing more than a deep clean?

It is possible to get bogged down with the preparation that it becomes a form of procrastination, and sometimes you can end up with a snagging list as long as your arm, and you never launch the property to the market. The longer this process takes, the further you are from your new dream home, and your perfect buyer might be missed.

So what should you do instead?

Make a list – rather than randomly doing all those jobs you’ve been putting off, make a list. This way, you can tackle the jobs methodically and group similar tasks together to save time and possibly money.

Decide what to do – Look objectively at the list and decide what needs to be done and what is not necessary. There are often tasks that you want to do to the property, but they will not help you sell your home or, indeed, might not make any difference to a potential buyer.

Check with your estate agent – show your list to your agent and get advice from them about tasks necessary to make your home saleable and attractive to a buyer. After all, our team knows what a buyer is looking for and what they will absolutely not care about, so you can cross off any of those tasks that won’t make any difference and get the ball rolling with your launch to the market.

There needs to be a line drawn as, unless your property is all brand new, you could invest lots of money and time refurbishing the whole house, and you won’t benefit from it because you will have moved.

It is highly likely that the huge list of jobs you have made for yourself, overwhelming yourself in the process, might end up being only a few small items. And then, without delay, you can attend to these things and get your home on the market for sale, putting the wheels in motion for your sale and moving to your new dream home.

For more advice on preparing your home for sale, speak to our team of experts with absolutely no obligation.


Do you want to beat the January rush? Here are our top tips for sellers!

If you are thinking about moving in the New Year once Christmas is over with, then you are not alone.

January is normally a busy time for the sales market, and people will start to look early. So doesn’t this mean you want your property to be one of the first ones they see? Yes! Not only do you want to beat the rush but need your property to stand out.

How do you stand out as a seller? Make sure your price is right from the start and do seek several valuations on your home from several agents. In choosing the right estate agent not only for price advice but ensuring that you have a quality marketing package.

January can be a busy period for the housing market and due to this influx of new buyers and sellers, we will also have those who are already on the market.

So how does a seller beat the January rush? Get your valuation booked in during December. Why? You will want a few different valuations on your property to confirm prices and see what agent suits you for your home. Once you have chosen an agent to start the marketing process, they will then need to book time to come back to your home and arrange for photographs, videos etc and agree a launch date.

Would you like a valuation on your home?  Please contact any of the Lawler & Co offices for more information.

Marple Office

36 Stockport Road

 0161 914 7620


Hazel Grove Office

128 London Road
Hazel Grove

Tel: 0161 300 7144


Poynton Office

60 Park Lane
SK12 1RE

Tel: 01625 448 001